UG 6th, PG 4th and B. Ed 2nd Annual programme 2025 March 22, 2025Exam notice March 13, 2025Short Tender Call Notice for supply of Materials/ Equipments of SPEFL trade, GVHSS March 13, 2025Back exam practical notice March 10, 2025Ug 1st semester back practical exam notice 2024 March 10, 2025Form fillup notice February 28, 2025Admit card distribution notice 1st semester exam 2024 February 28, 2025Appeal to avail the PM Internship Scheme February 28, 2025Admit card notice February 22, 2025Class suspend notice February 22, 2025Revised Program UG & PG 1st sem notice February 21, 2025Competition notice February 11, 2025List of competitions notice February 9, 2025Examination notice February 7, 2025Form fillup notice February 4, 2025Notice for 91st death anniversary of Utkal Gourab Madhusudan Das and World Cancer Day February 3, 2025Tender Call Notice January 22, 2025Original certificate UG,PG and B.Ed January 22, 2025Commencement of UG 4th sem classes 20-Jan-2025 January 20, 2025Midsem programme ug and pg 1st 2025 January 11, 2025Commencement of PG 4th sem class December 31, 2024SPOT-II Selection Merit List- 2024-2025 (B.Ed CLASSES) December 30, 2024SPOT-II Reported Rank Wise List- 2024-2025 (UG and PG CLASSES) December 27, 2024SPOT-II Selection Merit List- 2024-2025 (UG and PG CLASSES) December 27, 2024SPOT-II Reported Rank Wise List- 2024-2025 (B.Ed CLASSES) December 27, 2024Spot admission – II B.Ed. Notice December 27, 2024SPOT-II Selection Merit List- 2024-2025 (B.Ed CLASSES) December 27, 2024Spot – II admission notice December 26, 2024Commencement of UG 6th semester classes December 17, 2024Revised programme MBA & MFC December 16, 2024Revised programme for pg 3rd sem exam 2024 December 14, 2024Revised programme for PG 3rd sem exam 2024 December 14, 2024Admit card notice December 13, 2024Revised programme pg 3rd sem exam 2024 December 5, 2024UG & PG Spot Admission Selection Notice 2024-2025 November 27, 2024UG & PG Spot Admission Selection Notice 2024-2025 November 25, 2024UG & PG Spot Admission Notice 2024-2025 November 21, 2024UG & PG reported rank wise merit list November 21, 2024Spot admission notice (UG & PG Classes) November 20, 2024Marksheet distribution notice November 19, 2024B.Ed. notice November 19, 2024Notice for upcoming seminar November 3, 2024Notice November 1, 2024Programme notice October 30, 2024Notice regarding apaar id October 30, 2024Form fillup notice October 27, 2024Notice October 22, 2024An Investor Awareness Programme (IAP) on Dt. 18-10-2024 at 11.00 A.M. in College Auditorium October 17, 2024Readdition notice for even sem 2024 October 9, 2024Notice October 8, 2024+2 (Std-XI) Phase-II, Spot Admission (from Waiting List) Notice for the session 2024-2025. October 7, 2024Advertisement for Engagement of Project Assistant in Shailabala Women’s Autonomous College, Cuttack October 6, 2024+2 (Std-XI) Phase-II, Spot Admission Notice for the session 2024-2025. October 3, 2024PG Admission Notice-2024 Phase-1, Fourth Round (Waiting List Admission Process) Selection from Waiting List as per Merit October 3, 2024Mid sem programme 2024 October 3, 2024Pass list even sem 2024 October 1, 2024PG Admission Notice-2024 Phase-1, Fourth Round (Waiting List Admission Process) Selection from Waiting List as per Merit. September 28, 2024B.Ed Selection Merit from Waiting list (4th Round) for the session 2024-2025 September 27, 2024B.Ed Selection Merit from Waiting list (4th Round) for the session 2024-2025. September 26, 2024PG Admission Notice-2024 Phase-1, Fourth Round (Waiting List Admission Process) Selection from Waiting List as per Merit. September 26, 2024B.Ed Selection Merit and Waiting list (4th Round) for the session 2024-2025. September 25, 2024SB WOMEN’S AUTO COLLEGE. PG 4TH ROUND ADMISSION 2024 September 25, 2024Counselling for NEP September 24, 2024Admission notice 2024 September 24, 2024Notice in relation to readmission September 23, 2024Form fillup notice September 23, 2024Admission notice for waitlisted candidate September 21, 2024+3 1st yr (UG) Phase-II – Selection Merit from Wait listed Candidates for the session 2024-2025. September 20, 2024Fourth Round Selection Admission Notice, B.Ed. Course for the session 2024-2026. September 18, 2024PG hostel selection merit list 2024 September 17, 2024+3 1st yr (UG) Phase-II -Waiting List (From Reported Candidates) September 17, 2024+3 1st yr (UG) Phase-II – Selection Merit from Waiting List for the session 2024-2025. September 17, 2024Notice for commencement of PG classes September 13, 2024PG Phase-I -Third Round Selection Merit List for the session 2024-2025 September 10, 2024+3 1st yr (UG) Phase-II – Selection Merit List for the session 2024-2025. September 10, 2024UG PHASE-II WAITING LIST September 10, 2024Third Round Selection Admission Notice, B.Ed. Course for the session 2024-2026 September 5, 2024Notice regarding Re- Admission September 2, 2024Second Round Selection Admission Notice, B.Ed. Course for the session 2024-2026 August 24, 2024+3 (UG) 1st yr Second Selection Hostel (Merit) List for the session 2024-2025 August 23, 2024Notice for Readmission August 22, 2024Notice for creating APAAR ID August 22, 2024Meeting notice August 21, 2024+2 (Std-XI) Spot Admission Notice for the session 2024-2025 August 20, 2024Std-XI Hostel Second Selection Merit List for the session 2024-2025 August 20, 2024PG ADMISSION NOTICE-2024 (PHASE-1 FIRST ROUND) August 20, 2024Admission Notice, B.Ed. Course for the session 2024-2026. August 13, 2024+3 (UG) 1st yr Hostel Selection Merit List for the session 2024-2025. August 6, 2024+2 (XI) Second Selection Merit List for the session 2024-2025. August 5, 2024Selection Merit List from Reported Waitlisted Applicants August 3, 2024UG selection merit list and waiting list 2024 August 1, 2024Induction programme for UG 1st year 2024 July 31, 2024Std-XI Hostel Selection Merit List for the session 2024-2025 July 31, 2024Tender Call Notice July 27, 2024Advertisement for Engagement of Project Assistant July 24, 2024+2 First Selection List for the session 2024-2025 July 21, 2024Advertisement for Temporary Engagement of Guest Faculties in Govt Vocational H S School in S B Women’s H S School, Cuttack July 19, 2024+3 1st Yr (UG) Phase-I Admission, First Selection Second Selection & Third Selection Merit List for the session 2024-25 July 16, 2024+3 1st Yr (UG) Phase-I Admission, First Selection Second Selection Merit List for the session 2024-25 July 6, 2024Self financing PPP mode admission details July 5, 2024Programme notices July 4, 2024Advertisement for Engagement of Guest Faculties in S B Women’s H S School, Cuttack June 29, 2024+3 1st Yr (UG) Phase-I Admission, 1st Round Selection Merit List for the session 2024-25 June 26, 2024Readdition UG,PG,B.ed Final semester exam 2024 June 22, 2024Walkin Interview June 12, 2024Results June 10, 2024Recruitment Notice May 30, 2024B. Sc ITM Admission Notice May 30, 2024Publication of Advertisement for Common P.G. Entrance Test -2024 (CEPET-2024) and Admission into P.G. Courses for the Academic Session-2024-25. May 20, 2024Distribution of marksheets-UG, PG & Self-Financing-2023AB May 18, 2024Examination program May 6, 2024Ug 4th special back exam revised notice May 2, 2024Readdition notice UG and PG 1st sem exam 2023 May 1, 2024Result Notices and Pass List April 27, 2024UG 4th sem special back programme 2024 April 19, 2024Distribution of marksheet & form fillup notice April 5, 2024Revised Mid sem programe April 2, 2024Form fillup notice March 23, 2024UG 5th Special back form fillup & program notice March 19, 2024Program & revised program notices March 19, 2024Result and program notice March 13, 2024Results March 7, 2024Remedial class notice February 27, 2024Form fillup notice February 27, 2024Midsem programme for UG 6th,PG4th and UG 4th sem exam 2024 February 22, 2024Nua ‘O’ Scholarship February 19, 2024Tender Call Notice for Supply of Laboratory Equipment February 3, 2024Virtual Meeting on Special Students Assembly January 29, 2024Scholarship notice January 29, 2024(NUA ‘O’) Odia Literary Competition based on Jagannath Culture and Literature. January 22, 2024Odia Bhasa Sahitya Pratijogita January 16, 2024Tender Call Notice for equipment purchase of Laboratory Equipment January 13, 2024Program notice January 11, 2024Form fill up & Program Notice December 14, 2023Essay and Debate Competition December 8, 2023Form fill up notice December 8, 2023Revised Midsem notice for 1st sem exam 2023 December 8, 2023PG HOSTEL SELECTION (FOURTH ROUND) December 1, 2023Program notice November 30, 2023NOTICE-Selection Merit, PG Phase – III Admission 2023(from Reported Waitlisted Candidates) November 28, 2023Selection Merit from Waitlisted (UG Phase-III, 2023) November 25, 2023Notice PG Phase-III Admission (Waiting List) November 18, 2023Notice UG Phase-III Admission (Waiting List) November 18, 2023Notice regarding IYDP (Integrated Youth Development Programme) 2023. November 17, 2023Notice PG Phase-III Admission November 17, 2023Notice UG Phase-III Admission November 17, 2023Programme U G 3rd sem R/B/I Exam 2023 November 16, 2023Programme UG 5th Sem R/B/I exam 2023 November 16, 2023Programme PG 3rd Sem R/B/I Exam 2023 November 16, 2023B. Sc .ITM midsem notice UG 3rd sem exam 2023 November 9, 2023National Seminar on NEP-2020 “Transformative Reforms in Indian Education System”, organised by PG Dept. of Education. November 9, 2023PG HOSTEL SELECTION (THIRD ROUND) November 8, 2023Notice regarding re-admission date November 3, 2023Hostel Selection Merit List November 2, 2023Result notice UG,PG,B. ED exam 2023 October 31, 2023Ug 4th marksheet distribution notice October 30, 2023Distribution of marksheet notice UG,PG,B.Ed. October 30, 2023Mid semester reschedule notice UG 3rd and PG 3rd sem exam 2023 October 19, 2023+3 1st yr (2023 AB) 3rd and Final Hostel Selection Notice October 18, 2023PG HOSTEL SELECTION (SECOND ROUND) October 16, 2023Form fillup notice 2023 October 16, 2023Tender call notice October 11, 2023PG Phase-II Admission Notice 2023 (From reported waitlisted candidates) October 10, 2023Pass list 2023 October 8, 2023Walk-in-Interview for engagement of guest Faculties in B.Ed (Self Financing) Course will be held on Dt. 16-10-2023 October 7, 2023+3 Phase-II Selection Merit from Waiting List, Session 2023-2024 October 6, 2023Notice regarding Re Admission October 3, 2023Mid sem program notice October 3, 2023PG Phase-II Waiting List September 29, 2023PG Phase-II 1st Round Selection Merit List September 29, 2023Admission Notice, B.Ed. 2023 September 26, 2023+3 1st yr 2nd Phase Selection Merit list September 26, 2023+3 1st yr 2nd Phase Waiting list September 26, 2023B.Sc ITM 3rd installment notice September 22, 2023Extension of PG Hostel Admission 2023 September 22, 2023Walk in Interview for engagement of Guest Faculty in Physics September 15, 2023Notice for proforma submission PG 1st yr September 15, 2023UG (+3 1st Yr, 2023 Admission Batch) 2ND ROUND HOSTEL SELECTION NOTICE. September 14, 2023PG 1st Yr HOSTEL SELECTION NOTICE (2023 Admission Batch) September 7, 2023PG 1st Phase 4th Round Selection Merit list August 31, 20234th Round Admission to B.Ed Course for the session 2023-24. August 29, 2023UG (+3 1st Yr) Hostel Selection Notice (2023 Admission Batch) August 29, 2023UG original certificate 2019 AB August 25, 2023+3 (UG) 1st Phase 4th Round Selection of e-Admission for the session 2023-24 August 24, 2023PG 1st Phase 3rd Round Selection Merit List August 22, 20233rd Round Admission to B.Ed Course for the session 2023-24. August 21, 2023Induction programme for freshers 2023 AB August 19, 2023Std-XI (+2 1st Yr) Hostel Selection List for the session 2023-2024 August 19, 2023Ug final exam rechecking notice 2023 August 16, 2023Programme B.Sc ITM 2nd sem. exam 2023 August 16, 2023+3 (UG) 3rd Round Selection of e-Admission for the session 2023-24 August 12, 20232nd Round Admission to B.Ed Course for the session 2023-24. August 11, 2023PG 1st Phase 2nd Round Selection Merit List August 9, 2023PG Admission (First Round) 2023 Extended till 05-08-2023 August 3, 2023UG Admission (Second Round)2023 Extended till 05-08-2023 August 3, 2023PG 1st sem r/b/i exam complain notice August 3, 2023Std-XI (+2 1st Yr) Hostel Selection List for the session 2023-2024 August 2, 2023Revised programme ug 2nd sem exam 2023 August 2, ITM 2nd sem notice August 2, 2023Ug 2nd admit card & revised programme July 31, 2023PG Admission Notice 2023 July 28, 2023Virtual Lab Notice July 28, 2023+3 (UG) 2nd Round Selection of e-Admission for the session 2023-24 July 27, 2023Programme notice change UG 4th practical and B.ed 1st annual exam 2023 July 27, 2023Programme Notice UG 4th sem and B. Ed 1st annual exam 2023 July 26, 2023Notice (1st Selection Merit List for Admission into B.Ed Course for the session 2023-2025) July 24, 2023Notice for Guest Faculty (Govt. Vocational H S S )at Shailabala Women’s Higher Secondary School, Cuttack July 21, ITM asmission notice July 15, 2023+3 (UG) 1st Selection of e-Admission for the session 2023-24 July 14, 2023Issue of original certificate July 13, 2023Admit card distribution UG 4th, PG 2nd and B. Ed 1st annual exam 2023 July 12, 2023B. Sc ITM Admission Notice July 11, 2023Examination Notice July 9, 2023Marksheet & rechecking notice for final exam July 7, 2023Notice July 6, 2023Notice for ITM July 3, 2023Distribution of marksheet UG, PG and B.ed July 1, 2023Distribution of registration card ug and pg 2022 July 1, 2023Notice (Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties.) June 26, 2023Results June 23, 2023Distribution of marksheets ug 1st and ug 3rd sem exam 2022 May 31, 2023Result Notice ug 1st and ug 3rd exam 2022 May 31, 2023Advertisement May 15, 2023Result of UG, PG, B. Sc ITM exam 2022 May 9, 2023Programme for UG 5th sem back exam 2023 May 8, 2023Walk-in -Interview April 27, 2023UG form fillup 2023 (2020AB) notice April 27, 2023Classes suspension notice April 24, 2023Notice for PG ADMISSION BATCH 2015 April 24, 2023Admit card distribution ug and pg final exam 2023 April 21, 2023Re-addition notice April 18, 2023form fillup notice April 12, 2023Fees deposit of IInd sem B.Sc (ITM). April 10, 2023Mid sem ug 2nd and pg 2nd notice April 8, 2023Advertisement for faculties recruitment April 8, 2023Admit card distribution B. Sc ITM and UG & PG Exam2023 March 31, 2023notice March 29, 2023Examination notices 2023 March 28, 2023notice March 24, 2023Midsem 4th Sem notice March 24, 2023Form fillup notice March 23, 2023Pass list ug 5th and pg 3rd exam 2023 March 20, 2023Programme notice March 17, 2023Re-tender notice March 16, 2023Tender cancellation notice March 16, 2023Tender call notice March 15, 2023Form fill up notice ITM S.F. March 14, 2023Form Fill-up Notice UG, PG, B.ed final sem March 4, 2023Notice all final year students UG, PG and B.ed March 3, 2023PG 1st Sem exam 2022 Grouping notice for AC-101 and HC-IV March 2, 2023Short Tender Call Notice March 1, 2023Ug 1st sem practical grouping February 28, 2023Notice February 24, 2023SHORT TENDER CALL NOTICE February 24, 2023NAD Notice UG,PG,BED,ITM notice February 22, 2023Govt of Odisha Sponsored UPSC civil services Coaching February 21, 2023Mid sem programme notice February 20, 2023Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator. February 20, 2023Admit card notice ug and pg 1st exam 2022 February 16, 2023B.Sc ITM Mid Sem Notice February 2, 2023UG and PG Mid sem programme 2022 -2023 February 2, 2023PG1st revised programme 2022 February 1, 2023UG 1st revised programme 2022 February 1, 2023DSE 4 project notice UG 6th Semester February 1, 2023Practical grouping ug 3rd sem exam 2022 January 30, 2023Results of different competition organized by the Science Society of the college for the session 202-2023. January 28, 2023Quotation for supply of Identity Card January 28, 2023Exam and form fill up notice January 22, 2023Walkin interview January 22, 2023Tender call notice January 21, 2023Pg 1st regular programme 2022 January 19, 2023Pg 1st back programme January 19, 2023UG 1st reg and back exam programme 2022 January 19, 2023Commencement of classes for UG 6th And PG 4th Semester January 17, 2023Admit card notice ug 3rd sem exam 2022 January 12, 2023Mphil marksheet notice January 12, 2023Form fill up notice UG 1ST January 12, 2023Notice January 12, 2023Ug 5th sem exam 2022 postponed DSE II January 10, 2023NAD notice January 7, 2023Mphil 2nd sem exam result 2022 2021ab January 6, 2023Form fillup notice ug and pg 1st sem January 5, 2023Practical group ug 5th sem exam 2022 January 4, 2023Notice January 4, 2023Notice (Collection of Madhushree) January 2, 2023Admit card notice December 29, 2022Final result of literary and debating society December 23, 2022Prog. notice UG 5th December 21, 2022Mid sem revised programme ug and pg 1st exam 2022 December 21, 2022+3 Phase-IV Selection Merit List December 17, 2022End sem programme Ug5th ,3rd and pg 3rd December 13, 2022Mid sem programme ug and pg 1st December 12, 2022Student Activities for session 2022-23 December 6, 2022PG HOSTEL SELECTION NOTICE December 3, 2022Faculty recruitment advertisement in ITM dept. December 1, 2022+3 VACANT SEAT (PHASE-III) Selection Merit from Waiting List. November 28, 2022Result notice November 25, 2022UG (+3 1ST YR ) HOSTEL SELECTION MERIT LIST FOR THE SESSION 2022-2023 November 22, 2022Results November 19, 2022PG VACANT SEAT ADMISSION 2022 (MERIT LIST FROM REPORTED WAITLISTED CANDISATES) November 19, 2022Collection of Admission Fees, UG & PG Classes for the Session 2022-2023 November 15, 2022Reschedule form fill up date November 15, 2022B.Ed Admission Notice for the session 2022-2023 November 12, 2022Advertisement for the post of project fellow November 12, 2022WAITING LIST FOR PG VACANT SEAT ADMISSION – 2022-2023 November 12, 2022SELECTION MERIT LIST FOR PG VACANT SEAT ADMISSION – 2022-2023 November 12, 2022UG, (+3 1ST YR) HOSTEL SELECTION MERIT LIST FOR THE SESSION 2022-2023, +3 1ST YR November 11, 2022PG VACANT SEAT ADMISSION 2022-2023 (MERIT LIST) November 11, 2022Phase -III allotment of Hostel Seats for (STD -XI) +2 1ST Year Arts/Commerce/Science) students by the Govt. for the Academic Session 2022-2023 November 5, 2022Collection of Admission Fees (PG Classes) November 5, 2022NOTICE (Regarding Hostel Admission of Selected P.G. students) November 5, 2022NOTICE FOR PG VACANT SEAT ADMISSION – 2022 November 2, 2022Extension of readmission date November 1, 2022Form fillup notice October 31, 2022Mentor Mentee Groups in all subjects for UG and PG Classes October 31, 2022M.phil programme October 28, 2022Notice regarding Admission fees Collection of PG 1st yr Students (2022 Adm Batch) October 27, 2022B.Sc (ITM) (self financing in PPP mode) admission notice 2022 October 27, 2022GE Class Commencement October 27, 2022Form fillup UG 2017 and 2018 ab October 22, 2022+2 Hostel Second Selection for the session 2022-23 October 21, 2022Notice (PG Hostel Selection) October 21, 2022UG and PG Odd Semester Form Fillup Notice 2022 October 20, 2022Counselling Sessions for +3 1yr Arts, Science Commerce (2022 Admission Batch) October 18, 2022PG Spot Selection Merit List for the session 2022-2023. October 18, 2022Collection of Online Fees and Counseling of Subject of UG 1st Yr of 2022-23. October 17, 2022Commencement of Classes and induction programme for PG 1st Yr Students 2022-2023 October 16, 2022PG Hostel Selection Merit List for 1st yr (2022 Admission Batch) for the session 2022-23 October 14, 2022Midsem exam notice October 13, 2022Notice(Time Table for +3 1st year (2022 Admission Batch) Arts/Science/Commerce) October 12, 2022+3 Hostel Selection Merit List for 1st yr (2022 Admission Batch) for the session 2022-23 October 12, 2022Notice (Class room teaching) October 11, 2022PG SPOT REPORTING NOTICE October 10, 2022re-checking/re-addition notice b.ed 2nd annual 2020ab October 1, 2022PG SEAT VACANCY September 29, 2022Advertisement for the post of Research Assistant September 29, 2022Bed 2nd annual result 2020ab September 29, 2022PG 2nd Selection Merit List for the session 2022-2023 September 23, 2022+2 Hostel Selection Merit List for 1st yr (2022 Admission Batch) for the session 2022-23 September 23, 2022Notice (Re Admission for the Session 2022-2023). September 23, 2022+3 Time Table September 21, 2022Time Table for +2 1st yr Arts, Science and Commerce for the session 2022-23 September 21, 2022Notice (Three days Literary Competition) September 21, 2022PG 1st Selection Merit List for the Session 2022-23 September 16, 2022Rechecking notice September 12, 2022Walk-in-Interview for Empanelment of Guest Faculty September 12, 2022Mark sheet distribution notice ug 1st and 3rd September 10, 2022Rechecking Notice UG and PG final September 9, 2022Practical grouping UG 2nd sem exam 2022 September 7, 2022Results September 6, 2022Notice September 5, 2022Time Table August 29, 2022Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties against the vacant posts of PGTs in Commerce, History and Mathematics for S.B. Women’s Higher Secondary School, Cuttack. August 26, 2022Practical exam notice August 25, 2022Revised programme UG 2nd sem exam2022 August 25, 2022Bed 1st annual revised programme August 24, 2022Notice regarding UG & PG marksheet August 23, 2022Cancellation of walkin interview for session 2022-2023 & 2023-2024 August 20, 2022Bed 1st annual exam 2022 programme August 17, 2022WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR EMPANELMENT OF GUEST FACULTY. August 13, 2022Notice (Guest Faculty in Creche & Preschool Management on contractual basis during the session 2022-23.) August 13, 2022Distribution of admit card UG/PG/Mphil/BED August 10, 2022Distribution of results and publication of final mark sheet August 10, 2022UG 6th and PG 4th final result pass list 2022 August 8, 2022Autonomous Examination Programme 2022 UG,PG,MPhil and BEd August 1, 2022Quotation call notice July 22, 2022UG 2nd and 4th sem back programme 2019ab and B.ED 1st Annual Form Fill up 2021ab July 19, 2022Form fill up and programme ug 5th and pg 3rd back exam 2022 July 16, 2022Online Interview for Project Fellow Position under State Council on Science and Technology, Govt. of Odisha sponsored Project. July 15, 2022Seminar on Maternal well being during pregnancy July 8, 2022QUOTATION CALL NOTICE July 8, 2022WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR EMPANELMENT OF GUEST FACULTY. July 6, 2022Non teaching staff vacancy for retired govt. personells June 30, 2022Form fillup notice June 27, 2022Certificate UG 2016AB June 24, 2022Distribution of original certificates June 23, 2022Notice June 22, 2022Result notice June 22, 2022UG 6th and PG 4th Programme 2022 June 20, 2022Form fillup notice June 20, 2022Results June 18, 2022UG 4th and PG 2nd Mid-Semester Exam-2022 May 31, 2022UG 2nd Mid-Semester Examination 2022 May 31, 2022Notice May 28, 2022Ug1st,3rd,5th back result 2017 and 2018 ab May 26, 2022Bed result 1st annual 2020ab May 26, 2022Quotations Call Notice for printing of various Answer Scripts, Forms,Proforma,Covers etc. for Controller Section. May 19, 2022Form fill up notice ug 2nd and ug 4th back and imp exam 2022 2019ab and 2020ab May 18, 2022UG back 2nd & 4th sem admit card May 13, 2022UG 2nd Sem back Programme May 7, 2022UG 4th Sem Back Programme May 7, 2022Form fill up notice UG 6th and PG 4th Sem May 7, 2022Hostel Selection for +3 1st yr, Academic Session 2021-2022 April 25, 2022Practical programme notice April 21, 2022Quotation call notice April 18, 2022Filling up Examination Forms (+3 Degree 1st Sem (CBCS) Arts/Science/Commerce (Pass & Hons.) Back Examination, 2021 (2016 Admission Batch.) April 9, 2022Program for practicals 1st sem PG 2021 April 8, 2022Admit card distribution UG 1st sem April 7, 2022Walk-in-Interview for Empanelment of Guest Faculty in Sanskrit on dt. 08-04-2022 at 11.30 A.M. April 4, 2022Reschedule of SEC 1 Arts, Sc & Commerce of U G 3rd sem exam 2021 April 4, 2022All classes in AUD-I & II, Hall-I & II, Hist-II and Room no-9 shall remain suspended on dt 2-4-22, 4-4-22, 6-4-22, 8-4-22 due to P.G. 1st & UG-3rd Semester Examination PG March 31, 2022Rescheduled programme PG and UG 3rd Sem Exam 2021 March 28, 2022Revised practical grouping UG 3rd sem 2019ab and 2020ab March 28, 2022Distribution of admit card and mark sheet March 28, 2022Postponement of Exam UG and PG 3rd Sem March 28, 2022UG 3rd Sem Programme Computer Science March 25, 2022Notice Hostel Selection Merit List for +3 Degree 2021 Admission Batch March 25, 2022Notice for Form Fill up +3 Degree 3rd Semester (CBCS)Arts/Science/Commerce Back Examination,2021 (2016 Admission Batch) March 22, 2022Grouping for ug 3rd Semester exam 2020ab March 21, 2022Class suspend notice March 18, 2022M.Phil 2nd Semester (Regular) Final Exam-2021 2020AB March 16, 2022Distribution of Admit card UG and PG 3rd sem reg. & back. March 15, 2022Form fill up notice ug even sem back 2017 and 2018ab March 11, 2022Notice (Career Development Program on dt. 10.03.2022 at 1.30 P.M. in college auditorium) March 9, 2022Rescheduled programme UG & PG 3rd Semester Exam March 9, 2022Prize Winners of various competitions held during the “Three Days Talent Hunt Programme”. March 8, 2022Programme for UG&PG 1st and 3rd Semester exam 2021(reg. and back) March 4, 2022NOTICE (COMMENCEMENT OF CLASSES FOR 6TH SEMESTER,FOR ARTS/SCIENCE/COMMERCE, 2019 ADMISSION BATCH) March 3, 2022Corrigendum form fillup notice Pg 3rd sem February 18, 2022QUOTATION CALL NOTICE February 17, 2022+3 1st and P.G 1st Mid-Semester examination, 2022 February 15, 2022Quotation call notice February 15, 2022Provisional result of PG 2nd sem February 14, 2022M. Phil result February 14, 2022UG 2nd sem provisional result February 14, 2022Quotation Call Notice for College Magazine February 12, 2022Quotation Call Notice for College Calendar February 12, 2022Autonomous UG 5th sem regular programme 2019AB February 10, 2022Autonomous examination form fill up UG and PG 1st Sem reg and back February 10, 2022Notice regarding EBSCO (E-resources access link) February 10, 2022UG and PG 1 Mid Semester Exam-2022 February 9, 2022Registration of NSS Volunteers for the year 2021-2022. February 9, 2022Revised programme ug 5th regular 2019ab February 8, 2022CORRIGENDUM February 8, 2022Notice for PG, Mphil & B.Ed students 2018 batch February 8, 2022Result UG Back 1st and 2nd Semester Exam 2021 February 4, 2022Autonomous Examinations Programme February 4, 2022NOTICE FOR EXAMINATION (UG 3RD MID SEMESTER AND PG 3RD MID SEMESTER) February 4, 2022CORRIGENDUM February 4, 2022Notice for 2018 UG admission batch February 3, 2022Form Fill up of M.A., (Home Science Back)2014 Admission Batch (3rd and 4th Semester) February 1, 2022Walk in Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties in Department of Zoology, Education and B.Ed. on dt. 8.2.2022 at 11.30 AM. February 1, 2022Form fill up notice ug & pg 3rd sem exam 2021 January 25, 2022Notice for UG 3rd and PG 3rd Mid Semester Examination, 2022 January 25, 2022Form Fill up Notice for UG 3rd Semester(Reg.) 2020 AB, (Back) 2019 AB and PG 3rd Semester (Reg.) 2020 AB (Back/Imp.) 2018 AB & 2019 AB. January 24, 2022Examination Programme Notice January 22, 2022Selected Merit List for P.G. Special Spot Admission January 21, 2022Form fill up Notice January 21, 2022M.Phil notice January 19, 2022Selected Merit List for P.G. Special Spot Admission January 17, 2022NOTICE (M.PHIL CLASSES WILL COMMENCE FROM THE DATE 20.01.2022) January 17, 2022Office Order (Updation of Departmental Profile in the College Website) January 17, 2022Selected Merit List for P.G. Special Spot Admission January 12, 2022Postponed B. Ed 1st annual exam January 10, 2022Postponement of examinations January 8, 2022Notice for online form fill-up and Postponement of examinations January 8, 2022Provisional Merit List for M.Phil Admission 2021-2022. January 7, 2022Form Fill up Corrigendum Notice January 6, 2022Notice for UG & PG 1st and 3rd Mid Semester Examination2022. January 6, 2022Notice for M-Phil Viva-Voce for session 2021-2022. January 5, 2022Notice for UG & PG 1st and 3rd Mid Semester Examination2022. January 5, 2022Mark Sheet Notice January 4, 2022Notice for M.Phil Entrance (Written) Test on 05-01-2022 , Session 2021-2022 December 31, 2021Form Fill up Notice Autonomous Examination for UG 5th,UG 2nd & PG 2nd December 31, 2021+3 PHASE-II VACANT SEAT SELECTION MERIT LIST December 30, 2021Minutes of the 1st IQAC meeting of the session 2018 – 2019 December 29, 2021P.G. Hostel Selection Merit for the session 2021-2022 December 28, 2021Result UG 1st, 3rd,4th & PG.1st Autonomous Examination Section December 28, 2021+3 PHASE-II VACANT SEAT SELECTION MERIT LIST December 27, 2021PG Vacant Seat (SPOT-II) Admission Notice 2021 December 27, 2021Programme for U.G. 1st, 3rd & 5th Back December 24, 2021Notice for M.Phil December 23, 2021PG VACANT SEAT (SPOT-II) ADMISSION NOTICE 2021. December 22, 2021Students Information 2017 AB December 18, 2021+3 Phase-II Vacant seat Selection (from wait listed Candidates.) December 18, 2021M.Phil Admission Notice for the Session 2021-22 December 17, 2021+3 Vacant Seat Revised Merit List December 16, 2021+3 Vacant Seat Merit List December 15, 2021Form Fill up Notice & Programme for UG 1st, 3rd & 5th Back Autonomous Examination (2017 AB &2018 AB) December 11, 2021+3 1st yr 2nd Phase 2nd Selection Merit List (10-12-2021) December 10, 2021Programme to 1st Annual B.Ed Examination (2020 AB) December 8, 20215th Semester Examination 2021 (2019 AB) December 6, 2021UG 5th Mid-Semester Examination December 6, 2021+3 2nd Selection list for Hostel Admission. December 6, 2021+3 2nd Phase 1st Selection Merit list for Admission. December 4, 2021Spot Selection from Waitlisted Candidates December 3, 2021Notice for +3 students December 1, 2021PG spot selection and admission 2021 November 24, 2021Notice (P.G. SPOT Admission for the session 2021-2022) November 15, 2021Notice for B.Ed Admission for the session 2021-2022 November 13, 2021B.Ed 1st Annual Online Form Fill Up (Regular) 2021 November 13, 2021Notice for +3 1st year (2021 Adm. Batch) Hostel Admission. November 13, 2021NOTICE (Counselling session for +3 1st year Arts/Science/Commerce students of the Academic session 2021-2022) for the allotment of AECC, GE and SEC Subjects.. November 12, 2021Programme for M.Phil 2nd Semester Exam. (Regular) -2021 November 11, 2021Notice (P.G. Hostel Selection Merit for the session 2021-2022) November 11, 2021Notice for Re-Admission November 11, 2021NOTICE (TIME TABLE for U.G. and P.G. 2nd SEMESTER examination 2021 (2020 Adm Batch) November 8, 2021PG Second Selection Provisional Merit list November 4, 2021+3 1st yr Time table for session 2021-2022 October 30, 2021+3 1st yr (2021 Admission Batch) Hostel Selection Notice October 30, 2021Result of Rechecking of Addition of marks October 26, 2021Notice for Rechecking of addition of marks Back & Even October 26, 2021TIME TABLE +2 1ST YR October 25, 2021+3 1ST PHASE SPOT SELECTION PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST for ADMISSION Published on 23-10-2021) October 23, 2021PG 1ST SELECTION PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST 22-10-2021 October 22, 2021NOTICE FOR NCC ENROLMENT October 21, 2021Spot admission (1st phase in degree colleges for session 2021-2022) October 8, 2021Second Selection Merit List for Admission into +3 1 st Yr (2021-2022)Published on Dt. 23-09-2021 in SAMS. September 23, 2021Provisional Results of UG 6th Sem(2017 AB) & PG 4th Sem Back (2017 and 2018 AB) September 22, 2021Notice for Autonomous Examinations Section September 18, 2021M.Phil Form Fill up & Programme 2020 September 16, 2021+3 Merit List 2021-2022 September 11, 2021Provisional Result and Merit List 2021 September 11, 2021Programme for UG 4th Sem Exam 2019 September 11, 2021Online Form fill up UG 4th Semester 2021 September 9, 2021Walk-in-Interview for Engagement of Guest Faculties in B.Ed (Self Financing) Course. September 2, 2021Programme for UG & PG 1st Sem Reg 2020 AB & Back 2019 AB September 1, 2021Notice for UG 1st and PG 1st Mid-Semester Examination 2021. August 31, 2021UG 3rd SEm (Reg.) 2020 Exam Home Sc(GE-03) August 30, 2021Form Fill up Notice UG and PG 1st Sem 2020 August 28, 2021Notice for +3 (2016 Admission Batch) 5th Semester (Back) Exam-2021 August 23, 2021WALKIN INTERVIEW NOTICE August 18, 2021PG Admission Information Brochure August 14, 2021Commencement of Physical Class room teaching UG, PG, M.Phil, B.Ed from 16-08-2021 August 14, 2021WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR ENGAGEMENT OF GUEST FACULTIES August 13, 2021UG 3rd Semester Programme(Regular)-2019 Admission Batch August 12, 2021Instructions to Examinees for online Examinations August 6, 2021Notice for Programme PG 4th Sem. Exam (Reg.) San(CE-04)-2021 August 6, 2021Programme for Back Paper Examinations (Even Semester)-2021 July 29, 2021U.G./P.G. and B.Ed Back Papers Form fill up July 28, 2021Notice July 26, 2021Provisional Notice & Results of UG 2nd,4th & PG 2nd July 21, 2021WALK-IN-INTERVIEW FOR EMPANELMENT OF GUEST FACULTY July 20, 2021Notice for Exam July 17, 2021Programme for Online Examination UG 6th,PG 4th & B.Ed 2nd Annual Examinations 2021 July 15, 2021Notice July 15, 2021Online Form Fillup Notice July 9, 2021All departments Email id list July 8, 2021GUIDELINES FOR ON-LINE PAYMENT July 5, 2021Examination notice July 5, 2021Mentorship for Online UG & PG Final Year Examination (2021) June 30, 2021Notice for +2 June 23, 2021Notice (Regarding Summer Vacation) May 4, 2021NOTICE (Suspension of Examinations and Physical Classes.) April 17, 2021M.PHIL Merit List April 14, 2021M.Phil Result April 13, 2021NOTICE ( +3 1st year online classes) April 13, 2021Admit Card Notice UG 3rd Sem Regular April 12, 2021Improvement Result April 9, 2021SPOT SELECTION MERIT LIST FOR B.ED (SELF FINANCING) 2020-2021 April 9, 2021Practical Grouping for UG 3rd Sem Exam Reg.2020 April 6, 2021Provisional Result B.Ed 1st Annual-2020 April 5, 2021Exam. Programme For UG 1st Sem Back April 5, 2021Revised Programme UG 3rd Sem Back Exam March 30, 2021Notice for ++3 1st yr, 2nd yr, 3rd yr (Back) Exam 2021 (2015 Admission Batch) form fill up under R D W University March 27, 2021UG 5th Sem English DSE-2 March 27, 2021Notice for PG Vacant Seat Admission 2020-2021, Dt. 27-03-2021 March 27, 2021Submission of forms March 25, 2021Revised Programme March 25, 2021Extension of date for Counselling sessions of +3 1st year Arts/Science/Commerce student 2020-2021. March 25, 2021Notice for PG Vacant Seat Admission 2020-2021 March 24, 2021Notice for PG Admission 2020-2021 March 22, 2021Form Fill up Extended March 20, 2021Notice for +3 3rd semester back form fill up for (2016 Admission Batch) R D W University March 18, 2021UG 3rd Sem Programme(Reg) 2019 AB with Instruction March 18, 2021Notice for Counselling sessions for +3 1st year Arts/Science/Commerce student 2020-2021. March 16, 2021Notice for College Uniform Photographs. March 16, 2021PG Hostel NOTICE March 13, 2021Admit Card notice March 13, 2021Practical Grouping for UG 5th Sem 2020 March 12, 2021Online Form Fill up UG 3rd End Sem 2020 March 11, 2021Notice for M.Phil Classes for session 2020-2021. March 8, 2021Selected Merit List for P.G. Hostel Admission 2020-2021. March 2, 2021Notice March 2, 2021TIME TABLE NOTICE February 27, 2021Notice for +3 1st yr online classes 2020-2021. February 26, 2021Extension of date of submission of Exam.Form February 25, 2021Selected Merit List for B.Ed Hostel Admission 2020-2021. February 25, 2021Selected Merit List for M.Phil Admission 2020-2021. February 25, 2021Examination program 2020 with instructions February 22, 2021Merit List of Applicants for M.Phil Viva-Voce Exam 2020-21. February 22, 2021Notice for M.Phil. Entrance Examination 2020-21. February 19, 2021Notice for PG Hostel February 18, 2021Notice for M.Phil February 17, 2021College will remain closed on 15-02-2021. Follow Tweet February 14, 2021Form fill up notice for fine date February 13, 2021Notice for UG 5th Semester and PG 3rd Semester form fill up February 13, 2021Quotation Call Notice February 12, 2021Selection Merit List for PG SPOT II Admission February 12, 2021Notice for B. Ed Hostel February 11, 2021Notice for B. Ed Class February 9, 2021Notice for M.Phil. Admission 2020-21. February 8, 2021Vacancy position of PG 1st year February 6, 2021Notice for PG Hostel selection February 6, 2021Waiting Merit List for PG SPOT-II Admission February 6, 2021Notice for +3 5th Semester (back) Exam-2020 (2016 Admission Batch) form fill up under R.D. Women’s University February 4, 2021Notice for PG Hostel 2020-2021 February 3, 2021Form Fill up Notice for Auto. Examination Section February 3, 2021Notice for Autonomous Odd Semester Examination Form Fill up. February 2, 2021Notice for B. Ed Third phase admission February 2, 2021Walk-in Interview January 29, 2021PG SPOT SELECTION MERIT LIST January 28, 2021PG SPOT SELECTION MERIT LIST January 25, 2021Form fill up notice autonomous exam January 22, 2021PG SPOT SELECTION MERIT LIST January 20, 2021Notice ( MId Semester Examination of +3 5th and P.G. 3rd Semester Examination of S.B. Women’s (Auto) College, Cuttack January 19, 2021Revised PG SPOT Notice January 18, 2021Corrigendum January 15, 2021Notice for PG Spot Selection January 15, 2021Notice for PG Students (Hostel) January 14, 2021Notice (Collection of Certificate) January 14, 2021Walk in interview January 13, 2021Notice January 12, 20212nd Phase Admission of B. Ed for the session, 2020-2022 January 11, 2021Notice for +3 final year UG and PG Students January 8, 2021Notice regarding reopening of classes for Std XII Students January 7, 2021Admission to B.Ed Course for the session 2020-2021. December 31, 2020PG 3rd Selection Merit List 2020-2021 December 26, 2020PG Second Selection Merit List 2020-21 December 17, 2020NCC Enrollment Notice December 13, 2020Notice December 11, 2020Instructions to candidate for offline examinations-2020 December 10, 2020Notice December 10, 2020Corrigendum Notice December 7, 2020PG Notice December 7, 2020Improvement Programme December 4, 2020Rechecking Notice & Improvement Programme December 3, 2020Auto. Improvement Programme-2020 December 3, 2020+3 Spot Merit from Waiting list December 3, 2020Notice for Imp. Exam both UG & PG 2nd 4th Sem. and 1st Annual B.Ed December 1, 2020Readmission Notice November 26, 2020Postponed Examination B.Ed November 20, 2020+3 SPOT SELECTION MERIT LIST 2020-2021 November 18, 2020Approval of B.Ed result 2nd annual final exam 2020 November 11, 2020B.Ed 2nd Annual Provisional result, B.Ed 1st Annual programme,M.Phil Programme November 11, 2020Notice regarding Original PG Certificate in Odia November 9, 2020Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant in Psychology November 2, 2020ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROJECT FELLOW- ZOOLOGY November 2, 2020Approval of Final Result November 2, 2020Provisional result of UG 6th Sem (Reg),PG 4th Sem (Reg & Back) 2020 October 30, 2020Notice for PG students admitted in 2015 & 2016 October 27, 2020Notice regarding Original Certificate in Odia October 6, 2020Back Paper Exam. (Revised Schedule and mode of exam) 2020 September 18, 2020Notice for Original Certificate September 17, 2020Rechecking of addition of marks UG & PG 1st and M.Phil 1st September 15, 2020Postponed of B.Ed 1st annual exam September 15, 2020PG 1st Sem (Back) result-2019 September 15, 2020Instruction to the candidates for Online Exam -2020 September 15, 2020Rechecking of UG 5th and PG 3rd September 15, 2020NOTICE September 15, 2020Result of MPHIL 1st sem reg exam 2019 and PG 3rd sem back exam 2019 September 11, 2020EXAMINATION PROGRAMME-2020 September 11, 2020Notice September 11, 2020UG 1ST SEM RESULT MATHEMATICS September 9, 2020Home Science result 2019 September 9, 2020EXAMINATION PROGRAMME 2020 September 7, 2020Highlights of final year exam September 5, 2020RESULTS OF UG 1ST & 3RD SEM 2019 & PG 1ST SEM 2019 September 5, 2020Notice September 4, 2020Highlights of the Exam (UG & PG) September 4, 2020Notice September 1, 2020Back Results 2020 August 31, 2020PG Admission 2020 August 22, 2020Form Fill up Notice (P G 2nd Semester and 4th Semester) 2016 Adm. Batch August 10, 2020Time Table for Online Classes August 7, 2020RECHECKING NOTICE 06-08-2020.pdf August 7, 2020Form Fill up Notice (+3 4th and 2nd Sem (Back) Exam 2020(CBCS 2016 Adm Batch under R.D. University) August 5, 2020Form Fillup Notice for +3 Degree 4th and 2nd Sem. (Back) Examination, 2016 AB August 4, 2020Provisional results July 18, 2020Results July 16, 2020Time Table for +3 online Classes for the month of July 2020 July 15, 2020Notice from the Controller of examinations June 19, 2020Notice June 5, 2020Online Learning Initiatives April 18, 2020Notice March 23, 2020Postpone of +2 CHSE exam 2020. March 20, 2020Notice March 16, 2020Level-1 Certified Workshop on CBT from 18th to 20th March March 7, 2020Quotation call notice February 19, 2020Exam notice February 19, 2020Application Form for Rechecking of Answer Script and Re addition of Mark. February 11, 2020Notice February 7, 2020Quotation Call Notice February 5, 2020EXAMINATION PROGRAMME +3 6TH SEMESTER(2017 ADMISSION BATCH ARTS, SCIENCE, COMMERCE)REGULAR 2020 February 1, 2020NOTICE FORM FILL UP OF +3 1ST YR (ARTS, SCIENCE, COMMERCE) 2ND SEMESTER (CBCS) REGULAR/BACK/IMP EXAMINATION 2020 February 1, 20204TH SEMESTER PG EXAMINATION PROGRAMME February 1, 2020Notice January 7, 2020Annual function 2019 -2020 December 31, 2019International conference on “Psychology : The Path Ahead” December 10, 2019Quotation call notice November 30, 2019IQAC Notice, Composition & Minutes November 25, 2019Examination Program October 25, 2019Form fill up notice October 25, 2019Notice October 18, 2019Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti October 1, 2019B.ED SELECTED NOTICE (From Waiting List) 2019-20 September 30, 2019NOTICE FOR WAITING LIST OF B.ED 2019-20 September 25, 2019Academic calendar 2017 – 2018 September 24, 2019M.PHIL SELECTION NOTICE 2019-20 September 23, 2019AQAR 2016-2017 September 19, 2019NOTICE FOR M.PHIL VIVA VOCE TEST September 19, 2019PG Hostel Selection Notice September 14, 2019B. Ed Selection Notice (From Waiting List) September 14, 2019Waiting List for Admission into B.Ed (S.F.) Course. September 10, 2019Quotation call notice September 7, 2019Corrigendum September 7, 2019Admission Notice (M.Phil) M Phil Prospectus 2019-20 September 6, 2019PG Final Result September 4, 2019PG Merit list September 3, 2019Corrigendum August 30, 2019P.G. Hostel Selection Notice (2019) August 29, 2019B. Ed selection notice August 28, 2019PG selection notice August 27, 2019B.Ed third selection notice August 27, 2019B. Ed notice for classes August 27, 2019Parents teacher meeting August 26, 2019Induction notice August 26, 2019Induction meeting August 26, 2019PG waiting list 2019-2020 August 20, 2019B.Ed Selection Merit 2019-2020 August 17, 2019PG Admission Notice August 16, 2019PG waiting list August 10, 2019Commencement of PG & +3 classes August 1, 2019B.Ed (2019-2020) First Selection Notice August 1, 2019P.G.Merit List for second selection of Hist,H.Sc, Odia, Pol.Sc,Sans,Eco,Edn,Eng,Hindi,Philo,Psy,Sociology July 31, 2019P.G.Merit List of Hist,H.Sc,Odia,Pol.Sc,Sans,Eco,Edn,Eng,Hindi,Philo,Psy,Sociology July 19, 2019Quotation call notice July 11, 2019P G Admission Corrigendum in Prospectus July 11, 2019Quotation Call Notice July 6, 2019QUOTATION CALL NOTICE July 4, 2019NOTICE (EXTENSION OF DATELINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PG AND B.Ed (S.F) FORMS IN S.B. WOMEN’S (AUTO) COLLEGE, CUTTACK June 26, 2019Walk in Interview for emplanelment of Guest Faculty June 19, 2019B.Ed form and prospectus 2019 June 9, 2019Admission Notice (PG) Prospectus & Form June 2, 2019Notice May 11, 2019Notice (Postpone of Exam due to Cyclonic Storm FONI) May 1, 2019Form fill up notice March 26, 2019Exam notice March 11, 2019Quotation call notice March 9, 2019QuotationCall Notice March 6, 2019Notice February 28, 2019Quotation call notice February 26, 2019Notice for MPHIL 1st Sem students February 19, 2019Quotation call notice February 9, 2019Notice (Programme for the 1st Sem.M.Phil Autonomous Examination of 2018-19. February 8, 2019QUOTATION CALL NOTICE February 3, 2019Notice (Programme for the 1st Sem.(Regular/Back/Imp) Autonomous Examination of +3 1st year degree (CBCS) course in Arts/Science/Commerce 2018. January 10, 2019Notice (Programme for the 1st Sem.(Regular/Back/Imp) Autonomous Examination of PG 1st year degree (CBCS) course in Arts, 2018. January 10, 2019Terms and Conditions of Quotation Call Notice No.12/Dt. 05-01-2019 Under RUSA Grant. January 8, 2019Quotation call notice January 5, 2019National Seminar organised by P.G. Department of Education, Shailabala Women’s Autonomous College, Cuttack January 5, 2019Corrigendum January 3, 2019College Calendar – Quotation Call January 1, 2019Quotation Call Notice for College Magazine January 1, 2019A.Q.A.R. (2016 – 2017) December 27, 2018Modification in notice December 21, 2018Quotation call notice December 11, 2018Quotation call notice December 6, 2018Quotation call notice December 5, 2018Advertisement November 16, 2018Office Order November 16, 2018Sealed quotations invited October 30, 2018Corrigendum October 26, 2018Walk in Interview October 20, 2018Sealed Quotations (DATE EXTENSION) October 20, 2018Selected Merit List M.Phil Hindi Course Admission (2018-19). September 29, 2018Selected Merit List List for B.Ed Course Admission (2018-19). September 27, 2018Classes of B.Ed 1st year (S.F.) for the session 2018-19 will be started from 28-09-2018. September 26, 2018Selected Merit List List for M.Phil. Admission (2018-19). September 24, 2018Admission Notice for M.Phil,Hindi. September 22, 2018Selected List for M.Phil Viva voce (2018-19) September 21, 2018Selected List & Waiting List for P.G. Odia Admission (2018-19) September 21, 2018B.Ed selected merit list September 20, 2018B.Ed Selected merit list from waiting list September 12, 2018B.ed Notice September 8, 2018Admission Notice (M.Phil & PG) M Phil Prospectus & PG Prospectus September 8, 2018Correction in the previous notice of merit list September 4, 2018Waiting List for B.Ed (2018-2019) Admission. September 1, 2018B.Ed (2018-2019) Selection Notice August 20, 2018B.Ed (2018-2019) Selection Merit List August 6, 2018PG 2nd Selection List (2018-2019) July 21, 2018PG Selection List 2018-2019 July 11, 2018Modification in Previous walkin Interview notice dated on 23 June 2018 June 28, 2018Walk-In interview for guest faculty June 23, 2018B. Ed. Admission Prospectus and Application Form 2018 June 9, 2018PG Admission Prospectus and Application Form 2018 June 9, 2018Laptop Distribution Notice April 24, 2018+2 Supplementary laptop distribution 2017 merit list April 10, 2018Quotation call notice for printing of Examination Materials March 9, 2018Laptop distribution notice January 30, 2018B. ED Notice January 28, 2018quotation call notice December 22, 2017Roadmap / Guidelines for SELF DEFENCE December 12, 2017Detailed list of students for laptop distribution November 17, 2017Laptop distribution notice November 16, 2017Re-notification for laptop distribution November 2, 2017Notice for Laptop Distribution at SB Women’s Autonomous College(Nodal Centre) October 20, 2017SUSHAMA (PANIGRAHI) RATH AWARD for CREATIVE WRITING IN ENGLISH BY WOMEN STUDENT OF ODISHA October 19, 2017Quotation call notice for college calendar printing October 19, 2017Quotation call notice October 16, 2017Quotation call notice October 14, 2017B.Ed 1st yr Classes will be started from 16-10-2017. October 13, 2017Selection List from Second Waiting list of B.Ed (S. F ) Course for the session 2017-18 October 13, 2017Quotation call notice October 9, 2017Selection List from Second Waiting list of B.Ed (S. F ) Course for the session 2017-18 October 9, 2017Quotation cancellation notice September 25, 2017B.Ed. 2nd waiting list September 25, 2017Laptop distribution September 25, 2017B. Ed. selection list from waiting list September 21, 2017Quotation call notice cancellation September 21, 2017Waiting list for B.A. B.Ed. September 16, 2017Quotation call notice September 13, 2017B. Ed Selection Notice September 6, 2017M. Phil selection notice September 5, 2017Quotation call notice for books September 5, 2017Selection list for VIVA-VOCE for selected departments September 2, 2017B. Ed selection August 29, 2017B. Ed. Selection merit list August 21, 2017M. Phil Prospectus 2017 August 21, 2017Selection List of P.G. Political Science & Odia August 19, 2017Quotation call notice for supply of Identity cards August 19, 2017Prospectus for PG Admission 2017(New) August 4, 2017PG Waiting List (2017-2018)- July 29, 2017Walk-in-Interview (for B.Ed programme – contractual teachers & support staff) July 27, 2017PG Waiting list (2017-2018) – July 24, 2017PG Merit List 2nd Selection 2017 (New) July 21, 2017 B. Ed Walk in Interview PG selection merit list – 2017 B. Ed Form & Prospectus 2017 PG admission merit list for 2017-2018 Walk-in-Interview Notice Information Brochure Prospectus for PG Admission 2017 Quotation call notice, Jan 2017 Supplementary SSR 2016 SSR Submitted to NAAC, Bengaluru, NAAC Certificate of Compliance & AccreditationCertificate (Download/View here) Walk-in-Interview(Nov-2016) Quotation call notice for smart class setup and CCTV Surveillance (Nov-2016) IQAC Walkin Interview(Nov-2016) Walkin Interview for B.Ed(Teaching/Non-teaching)(New)(Nov-2016) M.Phil Waiting list for History subject(New)(Sep-2016) P.G. Selection list (From Reported Applicants)(Sep-2016) P.G. Waiting list (New)(Sep-2016) M.Phil Selection list (New)(Sep-2016) P.G. Selection List (Sep-2016) M.Phil Selection List (Sep-2016) M.Phil Applicant list (Sep-2016) Quotation Call Notice (Sep-2016) PG admission form & prospectus(SEP-2016) MPHIL admission form & prospectus(SEP-2016) B.Ed 2016 Class start notice(SEP-2016)